CIAPEC's development process has undergone several stages since its incorporation until achieving the national and international recognition it has today, as one of the most important organizations in the Yungas region, advancing a program in sustainable development. The development of this organization has focused on the inclusion of coffee, achiote, citrus and coca farmers, all of which are Aymara emigrants that originally came from the Altiplano region in La Paz. It is worthwhile to note that the products offered by CIAPEC, but principally coffee, respond to a growth in demand in both national and international markets. Coffee is traded under Fair Trade terms, where price paid to producers allows for a dignified lifestyle, respect to the environment and proper working conditions as outlined in international law. With this focus, the organization is responding to its principles and objectives, hoping that future generations can strengthen their integral development and devote themselves to sustainable production. CIAPEC has members in the communities of Union Camacho, Entre Rios, Ho Linda, Choronta Berea, Villa Camacho, Fernando Magallanes, Kantutani, 1ro de Mayo, Villa Esperanza and Aguas Turbias. Information courtesy of CIAPEC.
- Total Bags Purchased: 200
- Partner Since: 2016
- Founded: 2003
- Total Members: 56
- Total Hectares: 208.00
- Female Members: 30
- Avg Farm Size: 3.71 ha
- Organic Hectares: 208.00
- Harvest: Apr-Oct
- Elevation: 1500-1700 MASL m
Varietals Grown:
- (no 0%)