Located on the shores of Lake Kivu, in the eastern region of DR Congo, SOPACDI was founded in 2003 and started exporting coffee in 2008. At 1460 – 1900 meters above sea level, SOPACDI is situated in an ideal region to grow high-quality coffee. It was the first organization of small-scale farmers to achieve Fair Trade and Organic certification in Eastern Congo, and, the first to export specialty grade coffee.
The Congolese gained independence in the 1960’s, and with that a decline in stability began, with constant conflict and civil war over a period of years. Many farmers fled and abandoned their farms during that time. Today, although the situation remains unstable, many farmers are looking to rebuild their lives through agriculture. In 2015, SOPACDI had 7,451 farmer/members whose spirit is stronger than ever, working together to provide a sustainable livelihood. SOPACDI members work hard every day in order to improve the quality of the coffee they produce, and to improve traceability.
On average a member grows 1.64 hectares and the cooperative exports up to 20 containers to Europe and the US. The cooperative exports two types of coffees: Grade 2 fully washed is coffee that is collectively processed in the cooperative wet-mills (farmers deliver cherries), Grade 4 coffee is processed at farms level by farmers and they deliver dried parchment to the cooperative. Once processed in South Kivu, the dry parchment is sorted at Jumbo Safari dry mill in Goma. This is from Goma that the coffee is loaded on truck to make the long journey to Mombassa (Kenya) port.
Tasting Profile: Molasses, brown sugar, apricot, and hibiscus with a citric acidity and creamy body.
Solidarite pour la Promotion des Actions Cafe et le Developpement Integral
- FLO ID#: 26275
- Organic Cert
- Total Bags Purchased: 3377
- Partner Since: 2013
- Founded: 2003
- Total Members: 11769
- Total Hectares: 6315.00
- Organic Members: 11769
- Female Members: 3604
- Avg Farm Size: 0.54 ha
- Organic Hectares: 6315.00
- Full time staff: 51
- Fulltime Agronomists: 31
- Harvest: Mar-Jul
- Elevation: 1460-200 m
Varietals Grown:
- 94% Bourbon
- 6% Other
Social Premium Investment: 2022 Crop Year
Fair Trade Certification guarantees 20 cents/lb of the price paid a producer organization is set aside as a social premium. How this money is invested is a decision taken collectively by the general assembly of members at the end of each harvest. Below is a break down of how producers in this organization chose to spend their fair trade premium.
45% |
Purchase of materials for drying tables.
28% |
Debt amortization
Paying back certain debts from the organization.
25% |
Improve Yields
Workshops conducted for members aon good agricutltural practices, coffee tree renovation, agroforestry practices and shade tree cover.
2% |
Scholarships for secondary school students.