Higher Grounds Trading Co. is proud to be Michigan’s first 100% fair trade & organic certified coffee roastery. We stick to high standards not only for ethical & environmental reasons, but also because we’re obsessed with quality: we believe these standards produce the best-quality coffees around. Our close relationships with farmers around the world help us bring delicious coffee from the field to your cup. Visit our Coffee Bar & Roastery in the Village at Grand Traverse Commons in Traverse City, Michigan. A cup of coffee here is more than a cup of coffee.
As owner Chris Treter says, “Being a member/owner of Cooperative Coffees is directly in-line with our mission to build deep relationships with growers that transcend the commercial concepts of fair trade.”
Check out a few videos of HG in action!
Learn more about some of our projects:
Through our GROUND WORK program, we give more than 1% of our annual gross sales to organizations working for justice in three main categories: social, environmental, & international.
To support the international aspects of our mission, we helped form a nonprofit, ON THE GROUND, which works towards sustainable development in farming regions around the world. Projects of On the Ground include:
Project Chiapas, bringing fresh, clean water access to remote farming communities in Chiapas, Mexico.
Project Ethiopia, providing educational opportunities in Ethiopia’s coffee farming regions.
Project Palestine, helping to reestablish sustainable olive growing practices in a place where identity, culture, & history are rooted in the ancient olive tree.
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